Let’s start with what we don’t do. We don’t come to you with a preconceived idea of what you need.
Instead, we come with open minds, and we listen. We get to know your business: where it needs to go, and what’s in the way.
Then we take a strategic look at how digital media could help and where your time and budget are best invested. Only once we’re all agreed on that do we get into the actual implementation. But the strategic work never stops. As the project moves forward, we’re always researching, analysing, experimenting with and refining our concept, to deliver the most effective solution possible.
Of course, you might already be sure of what you need. That’s great: we’d love to help. But don’t be surprised if we ask a few searching questions, and probably suggest some alternatives.
Today’s digital media world is big, complex and bristling with opportunities to build your business.
And it’s our job to help you make the very most of it.
Affordable Web Design
This is about us designing a solution that is right for you company, making sure that the build is target towards you current and future audience. That it contains enough but not to much information.
Expandable Web Design
This is about making sure that if you need to grow your web presence should this be diversification, or expansion, that you systems can cope with this. This means there is never the need for a total new build.
Efficient Organic SEO
We make sure with all our designs that they are SEO friendly, in an organic way, this means we use no black hat tricks to con the search engine into giving good rankings. As this never works long term, we use proven test methods that will stand the test of time.
Maintaining Brand Image
This about incorporating brand image, brand history, previous web designs, so that your new website or graphic design is familiar to your customers, and is quickly accepted, this can sometimes include gentle transition from old website to new in some cases. Getting customer feedback and input. To make sure that you keep your company branding and identity.
Customer Usability
Ever been so frustrated with a website, you’ve upped & left?
At CD Web Design we understand the science behind making a website user friendly. We can create an easy to use website for your customers. We create websites that are clear, fresh, comforting and easy to use.
We keep things simple, so that your users get what you want to say and provide an easy mechanism for them to act in response.
Staff Usability
This is about engaging and training the staff, so that if they need to update a product, or change a page, or upload the latest news. That they are empowered to do this without need for coding experience, we also make sure they understand the systems so they can provide the best customer experience, this is backed up by our in-house support staff should they be required.