Stock Control is the single most important discipline for retailers. Getting the right products and right levels of products is critical for every retailer. With our EPoS system stock control becomes an exact science rather than something that is done on gut-feel.
If you’re looking for an effective stock control system, our point of sale system can provide retailers with a great solution. Retailers can instantly see which are the best selling products and which are the most profitable, just as slow moving stock is also easily identifiable. Retailers can utilise all this simple to access information to help manage their business. For example how they merchandise their stores to optimise profits and move through slower selling stock, stock holding can be more efficient easing cash flow.
Real Time Stock Control System
Unlike other point of sale systems our EPoS system gives retailers full control over their stock and perhaps more importantly “real-time” visibility. So no matter when retailers view stock levels in the system they are seeing real time data, unlike traditional EPoS systems. It is a managed service, therefore there is no overnight polling is required. This is critical advantage for multiple store operators and those multi-channel retailers that manage their stock centrally across EPoS, e-commerce and mail order as they can maximise sales across all sites and channels. Many of our clients have benefited hugely from the stock contol benefits which the system offers.
Purchase Order Processing and Stock Replenishment
With our EPoS system you need never run out of stock lines again. Retailers using the system are able to set minimum and maximum stock levels for products. So when the minimum level is hit the system automatically raises a purchase order for the stock line(s). The EPoS system also calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum stock level, so retailers order the correct quantity.
Unlike traditional EPoS systems stock levels in the system operate in real time. Hence no overnight polling is required and multiple stores can view branches stock holding “live” at anytime. So purchase ordering, which is even more critical at busy times, does not have to wait for polling or stock figures to be sent in, hence retailers can optimise their stock holding and sales performance.
The purchase order processing function is so intuitive that it can manage multiple suppliers for the same product and raise orders from suppliers that offer the best pricing. With EPoS from our system retailers can manage their stock more efficiently and they never need run out of stock lines again.
An additional benefit of the stock replenishment and purchase order processing in our EPoS system is that it can integrate into your accounts package, so all data reconciles.